General Conditions of Sale

The general conditions apply for the apartments owned by Mr and Mrs RODRIGUES, residing at 1005 Chemin de Béjure - 42630 PRADINES - France.

Article 1 - This contract concerns the rental of a furnished apartment

Article 2 - Purpose of the rental contract: The rental is concluded as a temporary and recreational residence. The Tenant will not be able to install his main or secondary residence there, and will not be able to carry out any professional activity there. This condition is essential and decisive in the eyes of the Owner who, without it, would not have consented to rent, which the Tenant expressly acknowledges.

Article 3 - Duration of stay: The Tenant signing this contract concluded for a fixed, non-renewable period and may not under any circumstances claim any right to remain in the premises at the end of the stay. In the event of an unauthorized overrun of more than 2 hours, an amount of €50 will be invoiced to the Tenant per additional hour of occupation of the rented property.

Article 4 - Conclusion of the contract: The reservation becomes effective once the Tenant has sent the deposit indicated, and accepts these general conditions.
The rental concluded cannot in any case benefit even partially to third parties, natural or legal persons, except with the written agreement of the Owner.
Any breach of this last paragraph would be likely to result in the immediate termination of the rental at the fault of the Tenant, the product of the rental remaining definitively acquired by the Owner or his Agent.

Article 5 - Transfer and subletting: This rental contract is concluded intuitu personae for the sole benefit of the Tenant identified at the top of the contract.
Any assignment of this lease, any total or partial subletting, any provision - even free - are strictly prohibited. The Tenant cannot leave the disposal of the apartment, even free of charge and/or by loan, to a third party.

Article 6 - Cancellation by the Tenant: any cancellation must be notified, with acknowledgment of receipt.
a) cancellation before arrival at the premises:
The deposit remains with the Owner unless the Owner manages to re-let on the same dates. The Owner may also request all or part of the balance of the amount of the stay, according to the following conditions:
– if the cancellation occurs less than 30 days before the scheduled date of entry into the premises: 50% of the balance
– if the cancellation occurs less than 15 days before the scheduled date of entry into the premises: 100% of the balance
Covid-19: in the event of confinement or a ban on travel between regions decreed by the State, a postponement of the stay will be possible for 18 months; the sums paid are worth having at the next stay.
If the Tenant does not appear within 24 hours of the arrival date indicated on the contract, this contract becomes void and the Owner can dispose of his property. The sums paid remain with the Owner or his Agent.

b) if the stay is shortened, the rental price remains with the Owner. No refund will be made.
c) if the renter has taken out Chapka travel insurance, then Chapka's general terms and conditions apply
Article 7 - Cancellation by the Owner: The Owner pays the Tenant all the sums paid in advance.

Article 8 - Arrival: The Tenant must arrive on the day and at the time specified in this contract. In the event of late or deferred arrival, the Tenant must notify the Owner and pay a supplement to the service provider when the keys are handed over.

Article 9 - Payment of the balance: The balance of the rental price is paid 1 month before arrival by credit card, bank transfer, or check.

Article 10 - Inventory of fixtures: An inventory of fixtures and an inventory are drawn up jointly and signed by the Tenant and the Owner or his Agent on arrival and departure of the rental. This inventory is the only reference in the event of a dispute concerning the inventory. In the event of lacks/defects which are not communicated the day after the day of arrival by the Tenant, the Owner will consider the Tenant at the origin of this lack/defect.
The state of cleanliness of the rental upon arrival of the Tenant must be noted in the inventory. The cleaning of the premises is the Tenant's responsibility, unless the end-of-stay cleaning option is taken out. In all cases and in the event of abnormal use of the premises, or exceptional soiling, the amount of the cleaning and repair costs will be re-invoiced to the Tenant.

Article 11 - Security deposit: A security deposit requested from the Tenant, the latter is a bank hold via Amenitiz Pay and will be returned to the Tenant within a maximum period of 15 days after his departure, minus the sums covering the damage, if any. and/or damage to the apartment, cellar, common areas, furniture and objects furnishing the apartment caused by the Tenant, as well as the loss of keys, badges or objects.
This security deposit is also used to remunerate the service provider's fees for restoring the cleanliness of the dishes, household appliances and apartment, if necessary. Garbage cans must have been emptied in the garbage terminals provided for this purpose
The Tenant is responsible for the apartment until the keys are handed over and the exit inventory is signed. In the event of early departure (prior to the time mentioned on this contract) preventing the establishment of the inventory on the day of the Tenant's departure, the security deposit is returned by the Owner within a period not exceeding not 15 days, provided that no degradation is noted.

Article 12 - Obligation of the Tenant: The rented premises are intended for family living and must be occupied by the Tenant as a "good father".
The Tenant will peacefully use the apartment, furniture, equipment and common areas according to the destination given to them by this contract and will be liable for any damage and losses that may occur to these goods during the term of the contract.
The Tenant undertakes to respect the internal regulations of the co-ownership.
The Tenant will maintain the rented goods and return them in a good state of cleanliness and rental repairs at the end of the contract. If items appearing in the inventory are broken or damaged, the Owner or his Agent may claim their replacement value.
The Tenant agrees to respect the rented premises and to return them as they are. 'apartment.
The Tenant must not cause neighborhood disturbance (noise, odors, smoke, lights, etc.).
The Tenant will not be allowed to bring animals into the apartment, basement or balcony.
The Tenant may not exercise any recourse against the Owner or his Agent in the event of theft and damage to the rented apartment.
The Tenant cannot oppose the visit of the apartment if the Owner or his Agent so request.
The Tenant agrees not to circulate in the apartment and the common areas of the residence with ski boots.
Snow equipment (skis, snowboards, ski boots, snowshoes, sledges, etc.) will not be stored in the apartment but in the cellar or the locker provided for this purpose in the residence (direct access to the outside)
The Tenant undertakes not to dry the ski gloves or suits on the radiators and towel dryers of the apartment (risk of stains), in the event of damage or stains, the security deposit will be retained by the Owner.
The loss of an apartment key will be charged 80 €

Article 13 – Wifi (Only for Plagne Centre): For your comfort, we provide you with free INTERNET access.
We recall the terms of the HADOPI law and our Internet Usage Charter:
The user of internet access undertakes not to use this access for the purposes of reproduction, representation, provision or communication to the public of works or objects protected by copyright. or by a neighboring right, such as texts, images, photographs, musical works, audiovisual works, software and video games, without authorization.
The user is informed that sharing software, when connected to the internet, can automatically make downloaded files available. If sharing software has been used to download protected works, it is best to deactivate it.
The user also agrees not to visit sites whose content is prohibited such as pornography, pedophilia, racism, incitement to violence, violation of human dignity, etc.
The Tenant hereby undertakes to respect the terms of this HADOPI law under penalty of being accused of an offense of counterfeiting (article L. 335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code)
We have installed “Achiwa” software, which allows us to detect the connections made on our box and above all to note their IP address. We inform you that this tracking software is installed and that their monitoring will be reasonable and compatible with the requirement of respect for private life. The Tenant undertakes on his honor to respect this charter and releases the Owner from any responsibility concerning the use he will make of the Internet directly or indirectly. The WIFI access code is personal and cannot be transmitted to a third party without the Owner's agreement.
By signing this rental contract, you agree to respect our Internet Usage Charter.

Article 14 - Capacity: This contract is established for a maximum capacity of people which is defined in the rental announcements. If the number of tenants exceeds the capacity, the Owner may refuse the additional people. Any modification or termination of the contract will be considered at the initiative of the Tenant.

Article 15 - Animals: The Tenant cannot stay in the company of a domestic animal. In the event of non-compliance with this clause and the conditions by the Tenant, the Owner may refuse the stay. In this case, no refund will be made.

Article 16 - Declaration of the Owner: The Owner declares to be the Owner of the apartment and to have free disposal and full enjoyment of it during the period defined in the contract.

Article 17 - Insurance: The Tenant is responsible for all damages caused by him. It is required to be insured. A certificate of civil liability insurance must be provided.

Article 18 - Payment of charges: Water, electricity and heating charges are included in the rental price, for normal use. In the event of abnormal use, the charges may be re-invoiced to the Tenant.

Article 19 - Termination by operation of law: In the event of breach by the Tenant of one of the contractual obligations, this lease will be terminated by operation of law. This termination will take effect immediately in the event of serious misconduct and, failing that, after a period of 48 hours after a simple summons by registered letter or letter delivered by hand has remained unsuccessful.

Article 20 - Disputes: Any dispute will be settled as a matter of priority amicably between the parties. Failing this, complaints relating to the rental will be dealt with by the competent court.